CFR Academic

CFR Academic collaborates with college and university presidents, administrators, professors, and students to extend the study of international relations and the role of the United States in the world across all disciplines. Our resources serve both classroom and research needs. Gain direct access to CFR fellows and other experts through the Higher Education Webinar series and Academic Webinar series for students and consult our free online publications on a wide range of current global issues, including teaching notes, backgrounders, interactives, and timelines.
Religion and Foreign Policy Program

CFR’s Religion and Foreign Policy (RFP) Program advances understanding of the forces shaping international relations through exchange between faith leaders and policymakers. By bringing together congregational and lay leaders, religion scholars, representatives of faith-based organizations, CFR creates a forum for interfaith dialogue with policy experts. A webinar series, roundtables, and an annual workshop in New York, provides religious leaders with resources to foster dialogue on the international issues affecting their congregations.

Congressional Program

The Congress and U.S. Foreign Policy program connects members of the U.S. House and Senate and their staffs with information and analysis on a wide range of international and economic issues. It offers a distinctive, nonpartisan forum to convene policymakers with CFR fellows and leading experts in their fields. The program brings CFR experts to the Hill for briefings, roundtable discussions, and to deliver congressional testimony, and produces a timely enewsletter for congressional staff.
State and Local Officials Initiative

CFR’s State and Local Officials Initiative is an independent and authoritative source of information on pressing international issues that affect the priorities and agendas of state and local governments, including the economy, jobs, trade, homeland security, public health, energy supply, and climate policy. Elected officials and staff at state and city levels can connect with CFR’s information and analysis through a State and Local Officials webinar and conference call series on timely issues, access to CFR meetings, and briefings led by CFR fellows.
Local Journalists Initiative

CFR’s Local Journalists Initiative provides news media professionals with international context for the local issues they cover through a webinar series, an annual workshop, and access to CFR content. CFR resources offer nonpartisan analysis and information on the impact of foreign relations on the job market in the United States, immigration, climate change, countering disinformation, and other topics of interest to local communities. Sign up to receive CFR press releases, newsletters, and invitations to webinars and conference calls.