WhatsApp With India?

Roughly four hundred million people in India use the encrypted messaging platform WhatsApp. Now, the country’s ruling party is trying to force WhatsApp to let the government trace and censor messages. The outcome could change digital freedoms in the world’s largest democracy, and could have strong implications for the future of privacy everywhere.

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  • Gabrielle Sierra
    Director, Podcasting

Asher Ross - Supervising Producer

Markus Zakaria - Audio Producer and Sound Designer

Rafaela Siewert - Associate Podcast Producer

Episode Guests
  • Chinmayi Arun
    Resident Fellow, Yale University
  • Vindu Goel
    Technology and Business Reporter, The New York Times
  • Seema Mody
    Global Markets Reporter, CNBC

Show Notes

When social media causes real-life dangers, what role should the government play in regulating it? This question is being asked around the world; in India, a decisive moment has arrived. The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is seeking to trace and censor private digital communications in the name of national security. Standing in its way is WhatsApp, an American-made, encrypted messaging platform that has become a daily mode of communication for hundreds of millions of Indians. Critics say the BJP’s push is part of a broader consolidation of power and a shift toward ethnonationalism. The digital freedoms of the country’s 1.3 billion people could hang in the balance.


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Read More


India Adopts the Tactic of Authoritarians: Shutting Down the Internet,” New York Times 


Key Global Takeaways From India’s Revised Personal Data Protection Bill,” Lawfare 


India’s Lynching Epidemic and the Problem With Blaming Tech,” Atlantic


The Rise of a Hindu Vigilante in the Age of WhatsApp and Modi,” Wired


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On Kashmir


The Dueling Narratives of India’s Kashmir Crackdown,” Atlantic 


What Is End-to-End Encryption? Another Bull’s-Eye on Big Tech,” New York Times 


India’s request to WhatsApp for message traceability could impact individual privacy,” Bussiness Today


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India’s WhatsApp dilemma,” Al Jazeera


How rumors on WhatsApp led to a mob killing in India,” Washington Post


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