
National Intelligence Fellowship

The Program

Established in 1999, the National Intelligence Fellowship provides an opportunity for an outstanding senior intelligence officer to participate in and contribute to CFR activities and events. The fellowship provides a broader understanding of political, economic, diplomatic, and military dimensions of international affairs through engagement with CFR’s fellows, members, and other experts. The National Intelligence Fellow in turn helps expand CFR’s knowledge and understanding of national intelligence and its role in and contributions to foreign policy and national security.

The fellowship offers an opportunity to work with experts across a range of academic disciplines and interact with leaders from all parts of the public and private sector. Our officers will emerge from this fellowship with an appreciation for the expertise beyond the beltway.
Michael P. Dempsey, 2017–19 National Intelligence Fellow

How to Apply

Each year, candidates from the intelligence community are nominated by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and interviewed by CFR. Interested candidates should contact their Senior Joint Duty Assignment posting official to learn more about the application process.

2023–24 Fellow

Dana  S. LaFon
Dana S. LaFon

National Intelligence Fellow


A complete list of former intelligence fellows is available here.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact [email protected]