Centers & Programs

Asia Program

Asia’s rise will define the twenty-first century. Pressing matters in East, South, and Central Asia—from North Korea’s nuclear program to the economic ascension of China and India—have global implications far beyond the region’s borders. And what happens in Asia will shape and be shaped by American foreign policy, society, and trade. The Asia program at the Council on Foreign Relations informs policymakers, business leaders, and the public at large about the complex future that lies ahead for the world’s largest and most economically dynamic continent. 

60% share of the world’s population living in Asia

Program Experts

Alyssa Ayres

Adjunct Senior Fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia

Robert D. Blackwill

Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy

Jerome A. Cohen

Adjunct Senior Fellow for Asia Studies

Rush Doshi

Senior Fellow for China and Indo-Pacific Studies and Director of the China Strategy Initiative

Yanzhong Huang

Senior Fellow for Global Health

Ian Johnson

Stephen A. Schwarzman Senior Fellow for China Studies

Kenneth I. Juster

Distinguished Fellow

Joshua Kurlantzick

Senior Fellow for Southeast Asia

Zongyuan Zoe Liu

Maurice R. Greenberg Fellow for China Studies

Manjari Chatterjee Miller

Senior Fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia

Carl Minzner

Senior Fellow For China Studies

David Sacks

Fellow for Asia Studies

Adam Segal

Ira A. Lipman Chair in Emerging Technologies and National Security and Director of the Digital and Cyberspace Policy Program (ON LEAVE)

Sheila A. Smith

John E. Merow Senior Fellow for Asia-Pacific Studies

Sue Mi Terry

Senior Fellow for Korea Studies


    The Indo-Pacific is a critical region shaping the future of the United States’ role in the world and its competition with China. Yet many of the most influential voices from the United States’ import…

    The emergence of China and more recently, India, has reshaped relations and produced a broader area of economic integration in Asia. Even in southern Asia, where the strategic triangle of China, Indi…

    India's rise to power has led to speculation and expectations about how it will change the global order. On the one hand, India is huge, with more than 1.3 billion people, and on track to become the …